Time for a Retirement

 No--not my retirement.

I'm going to retire a small piece of paper.

Actually, it's a piece of cardstock from the pews in our church.  They're officially prayer cards.  If people in the service do not wish to share their prayer requests aloud, we simply write the praise or concern on the card and place it in a tray for our ministers to see.  It's a simple, low-tech way to share.

For more than 15 years now I have taken a card, written my prayers on it, and kept it in my pocket.  If someone ever comes to me with concerns, struggles, or praises, I write it on the card.  When I put the card back in my pocket each morning I open it and say a little prayer.  When I'm finished with the card, I put it in a basket on top of my dresser.  My basket is full!  Some cards last a week.  Others last a little longer.  This particular card is dated 1-5-2020.  I've carried it for more than a year.  We've been through a lot, this card and me.  Everyone has been through a lot since January of 2020.

As I reread my card this morning I saw Presidents Trump and Biden on the card.  I saw "Black Lives Matter."  I saw my family, our church, our school.  I saw loved ones and strangers.  I saw colleagues--new and old.  I saw people's names who have passed away and names of others who have recovered.  I even saw several new babies.  Of course, I saw Covid 19.  I recalled several celebrations and other sad occasions.  Some comments were written more than a year ago, and I recently wrote two names of people who died from Covid complications just this week.  

I haven't gotten a new card because our church has mostly been closed.  There is some in-person worship happening now, but my family and I are virtually participating in Sunday School and worship.  Although we did join the parking lot caroling at Christmas and recent Easter services.  I will get a new card this week because I have a small, music rehearsal.  It will be my first  time "back" in the sanctuary.  Ironically, I didn't think much about this card until about two months ago.  I thought I had lost it (in the wash).  Fortunately, I found it on the floor in our closet.

It's time to retire this card.  It's falling apart, tattered, and out of space.  On a positive note, our entire immediate family-including our parents and daughters-will be fully vaccinated this week.  Maybe we are turning a corner?  I hope you and your family are turning a corner.  

As I reflect over the last 15+ months there have been ups and downs.  I tend to write more prayer concerns than praises.  Perhaps this is human nature.? Despite all of the challenges and tribulations, I feel more inspired than ever.  Oh, I'm also tattered and falling apart some days, but I have never been more grateful for my family, for my students, teachers, and school community, for my faith.  Yes, it's time for a new card, but I hope I never take all that I hold dear for granted.

Now, about that other retirement?


  1. Jesus bless you and keep you in his perfect peace and health. We appreciate you!

  2. You scared me there for a moment, David. A beautiful reflection, thank you for sharing it. I'm so glad your family has received vaccines, mine has too. Stay well, my friend.


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