A Date for Lunch...and Recess

Schools and school districts have many, many unsung heroes.  Our noon aides are just one example of such heroes.

You might not know what a noon aide is.  "Back in the day" we used to call them, "lunch ladies," but I am happy to say that at our school we have some dads who help us.  Noon aides monitor our students each day at lunch recess and in the cafeteria when the students are eating.

Our school has five separate lunches; unique 40 minutes for each grade.  Each grade goes outside to play on our playground for the first 20 minutes, and then they come inside to eat for 20 minutes.  While the first group is eating in the cafeteria, the next group is outside playing on the playground.  Over the course of about 2.5 hours all students in our school get a 20 minute recess and time for lunch, and our noon aides manage, monitor, and help all students transition through it all.

Heroes, of course, do much, much more than manage, monitor, and help.  Our noon aides help, encourage, and love our students.  Of course, sometimes help looks like a firm reminder, but more  often than not I see our noon aides laughing with the kids or asking questions about what the students are learning.  I hear noon aides say things like, "Come on, let's be safe so everyone can play."

Our noon aides want to go outside on even the chilliest of days because they understand fresh air and active play helps our learners be more successful in the classroom.

Our noon aides are observant.  They can see if someone has not been themselves or if someone is feeling left out.  They pay attention to who is eating or not eating and which students might need extra care to feel comfortable and safe.

Our noon aides are problem-solvers.  I meet monthly with them, and they are always looking for ways to better help students who might struggle at lunch or recess.  In our most recent meeting, a noon aide told her colleagues, "While I know he has a difficult time following directions sometimes, I can always find something positive to notice, and this has helped my relationship with him.  It's  important to focus on the positives." 

This is a great reminder for everyone who works with children.

Our school would not be the same without our noon aides, and I am grateful for their support and commitment to our students.  These heroes make a difference each day.


  1. Couldn't agree more . . . these noon-aide teachers are beyond invested in the students, our school and leadership success. May they never leave us!


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