Dear Novi Woods Students

Dear Students of Novi Woods Elementary School,

For most of you I've been your principal since you started school.  The staff and I have welcomed you since you were an incoming kindergarten student.  In some cases, I've known you since even before you were born because your older siblings have attended Woods!  Clearly we are a community in our school.  While we are "Growing Great Leaders" each day we are do so much more.  We help each other.  We listen.  We sing.  We dance.  We laugh.  We cry.  We inspire.  We hurt, and we create!  We struggle and achieve.  We make mistakes.  We forgive.  We love.

By now you know our world has been turned upside down given the Covid19 pandemic.  I know I find myself in absolute awe of what has changed in just one week.  Sports, restaurants, worship services, libraries---and schools have been forced to close.  This is not normal.  It is unique, and I pray that it is not what to expect as you grow.

We will not be together each day.  As of this writing, our school will be closed for a month.  I'm not sure what to feel.  I worry, but part of me is excited to sleep-in just a bit.  I have not been doing a great job at putting away my cell phone or turning off the television, but I also feel I need to stay informed so I can better understand the situation.  I'm glad our college-aged daughters are home, but I also don't know what they will do if their schools stay closed.  I know your parents and families may be feeling the same way on similar topics.  Please be patient with the adults.  We just don't have all of the answers right now, and that feels weird.

However, I have decided to set some goals while we are out of school.  I intend to read more.  I want to exercise each day.  I will play my guitar more.  I want to call my parents and other senior citizens  more.  I want to spend more time with my wife and daughters, and I want to help you.

Starting very soon look for a video from me to share what I am doing and how we might be able to help each other and our community.  I will share the video with your parents, and they will share with you.  In the meantime, think about what you can do at home to be great leaders!  How are you helping?  How  are you being patient?  How are you learning to turn off the television, phones, and computers?  What are you reading?  How are you staying safe?  How are you supporting other people.  I know you've been thinking about these questions--just like me--just like your teachers and  parents.

Look for the video soon.


Mr. Ascher

PS--It takes teamwork to make the dream work!  We can do this!


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words. This situation has definitely taken a toll on everyone. Unlike others, my job demands more of my time. I want to enjoy the extra time with my children but I am in the business of helping people in emergency situations. I pray for the entire Novi community and the people of the world that we will overcome this and enjoy life as it's meant to be.


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