
Showing posts from October, 2017

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Really.

Teamwork makes the dream work!  Really. This cliche statement has become somewhat of a rallying cry at Novi Woods.  Our students know what it means and looks like.  I have taught leadership chats about it.  We have it written on our school shirts.  It gets repeated by the entire school at the close of our morning announcements.  We use it to help solve problems around our school.  Parents send me e-mails about how their children discuss it around the dinner table.  It's cute.  It's simple, and it's very powerful. A colleague recently gave me an article entitled: Leveraging Collaborative Inquiry to Increase Collective Teacher Efficacy by Jenni Donohoo.  The article opens with: "When teachers believe  that together, they are capable of developing students' critical thinking skills, creativity, and mastery of complex concepts, it happens!" Collective efficacy matters.  Does our staff believe that together they can positively influence student learning?